Tuesday, June 29, 2010

time pockets

Each day, i am discovering precious pockets of time which i can use to complete household chores and sneak in some switch off time. And each time i manage to include a new activity, i feel happy. Many people have told me, when the baby arrives, your life changes 180degrees. from that friday morning onwards, indeed, a lot of changed and my time no longer belongs to me alone. It started with almost zero time to the the usual things i did everyday. then with time, i sneaked in cooking time, baking time, supermarket time, cleaning time, nap time between housework, then finally some time to indulge in yoga, to read, to scrapbook, etc.
today, another batch of ironing completed. =)
simple tasks which were carried out like nothing, i now accomplish like getting a medal.

Dinner tonight was simple

Broccoli, corn and squid garlic shoyu stir fry
Grilled fish and shitake mushrooms
Wafu potato salad
with yuba and edamame
this was mayo free, but yet really creamy because of the yuba (soft beancurd skins).
And instead of mayonnaise, it was flavoured with just miso since the potatoes were tasty enough on its own after boiling them with the corn cobs.

the rain is cooling the evening down=)
looking forward to bedtime already!

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