Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day off from homework

I managed a day out on my own in shinjuku.
Ahh... it was a nice change from my cycle of feeding, diapers, pacifying, housework, cleaning up mess, feeding, diapers, pacifying, housework, more cleaning.
There were so many things i wanted to do but my milk heavy chest just says it is time to go home after 3 hours out. but it was a nice day out =) and i can't wait for the day i get to use the pram!

Dinner was simple steamed food and salad, plus black bean soup

Steamed vegetables with minced chicken
Salad with tomato miso dressing

Steamed foods are really so simple to prepare cos i don't have to clean up much after cooking.
and easy on the stomach too!
and palatable even on a hot evening.
it is, yes, getting higher in humidity each evening but i shan"t complain since it is the only time of the year i perspire naturally.

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