Friday, June 25, 2010

Pork wrapped eggplants

Japan beat Denmark in last night's, no, this morrning's 3am match!!!
for once, i had a companion for the 5am feed cos somebody was watching the tellie.
haha i wish fathers had breasts to feed too. cos night feeds are really tiring when you are so sleepy headed.

Dinner tonight

Grilled pork wrapped eggplants
drizzled with lime & shoyu
this was tasty and easy on a hot evening.
simply marinated the pork slices in wine, shoyu and grated ginger, then wrapped around eggplant wedges and simply grilled. It was flavourful enough, so i only gave it a splash of shoyu and lime juice on serving.
Soy beans and hijiki salad

J says tonight's main would have matched a can of beer.
well, he said that when we had pizza too.
but we are both on an alcohol fast.

in the supermart's advert today, i saw this new mango cocktail filled with mango bits and mango jelly in a can. SOOOOOOO tempting!!!

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