Wednesday, November 11, 2009

squid stir fry

It was raining raining raining the whole day since last night.
makes me not feel like leaving the house on such days.

I needed soup for mains to warm the two tum tums...
hot miso soup, squid stir fry, white cabbage pickles and hot tofu
tonjiru is basically pork miso soup with lots of root vegetables in there.
burdock, daikon, carrots, konnkayu, mushrooms once in a while and leeks.
all warming foods. J says he could go with many rounds of rice with tonjiru as a child. i think i can imagine what is it like to have 3 boys. cook something that goes well with rice, and all will be happy.
stir fried squid with beans
The japanese love to use the inerds of the squid when there is fresh squid available.
i never knew that until we barbequed the whole squid with everything left in there and okaasan said it was delicious. i was apprehensive at first at the sight of the goo.
but one taste, and i loved it immediately!!!
it is soooooooooooooooooooo flavourful!!!
i think squids are in season, so when i got this, i wanted to try my hands at this again, which i made last year but wasnt so tasty.
this was perfect. goes really well with rice.

one squid (cut into rings)
mixed beans (can be omitted)
inerds removed from its sac
shoyu 1tbs
sake/white wine 3tbs
chilli paste 3/4tsp
garlic black bean paste 3/4 tsp
minced garlic 1tsp
sesame oil 1tbs

fry garlic, bean paste & chilli paste in the sesame oil.
add the inerds mixed together with sake & shoyu.
then the squids and beans.
add 1 tsp of cornflour dissolved in 1tbs water in, quick stir. and we r done =)
get ready your bowl of white rice.

dried scallops and daikon leaves brown rice
i used the whole daikon today including that little bit of leaves that sprouted from the top.
tossed in dried scallops, some sake and salt, and it made the brown rice really fragrant.

i think i m having indigestion now. ate too much =P

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