Tuesday, April 21, 2009

When you put green peppers and eggplants in the shopping basket, first dish one will probably think of cooking is ratatouille?
Eggplants and green peppers were on sale at the supermart, and we have tomatoes and onions at home... but...
i just dont feel like having tomatoes cooked.
Weird, but i have this love hate relationship with tomatoes. Dont like tomato based sauces but I love tomatoes on their own, fresh and sweet. Yeah, so when i have a choice between the red or white sauce at the pasta restaurant, definitely the white.
Well occassionally is ok, but we just had a tomato based squid dish last week isnt it? So, this time... i decided to try making this miso based dish that reminded me of ratatouille when i first had it...

Nasu and piman misoni(eggplant and green peppers miso simmered)
Simply, with 2 medium sized eggplants and 1 japanese green pepper cut into bite sized pieces,
1/2 tablespoon of white miso
1/2 tablespoon of red miso
1 clove of garlic (finely chopped).
First, fry the garlic and vegetables in half 1 tbs of oil in the pan, add a dash of white wine or sake, then the miso melted in 3/4 cup of water. And if you have japanese dashi granules, add 1/2 a tsp of it, if not, replace with 1/2 tsp of shoyu. Cover with a droplid and simmer for 5 min till the broth is reduced to a thick sauce.

Oyako don with bamboo shoots and shiitake added this time

Lettuce tossed with crabmeat and drzziled with hijiki dressing, topped with fried soba snack (aka Japanese muruku =P)
That was dinner tonight.
It was rainiy rainy today, looking forward to a sunny day tmr~

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