Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New batch of muffins~
strawberry muffins with a cream cheese centre

I decided to cook eggplant shoyu based meat sauce for dinner but just couldnt decide whether to have it with rice, spaghetti, udon or ramen. If it were ramen, then it would be like tantan noodles, but if it were udon, rice or spaghetti, then we would be able to savour the taste of the meatsauce better. really cracked my head...
before i decided to have the best of both worlds...
half ramen, half udon, and topped with the meatsauce =)

and besides the salad, i made this stamina dish that i picked up from a tv program today.
clams steamed with sake, then steeped in garlic shoyu for more than 3 hours. yummy!
J has got a presentation tommorrow so i hope that pepped him up a bit.

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