Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bought a loaf of bread last week and forgot all about it till today!
In the 6 slices loaf, used 3 for bento, and since the bread is already dry and not so soft anymore, decided to flatten it with a rolling pin and...

drizzled with a bit of olive oil, pushed into the muffin tray and baked at 250degC for 10min. Instant pastry shells ready for any pie or quiche filling.
On the other side of the muffin tray, baked 3 mini quiches. Gonna pack them separately for J obento tmr so he can pop the quiche part in the microwave and top them on the crispy shells for lunch.

Dinner sings spring is in the air~...

Multi coloured soboro don
Soboro means crumbled and seasoned meat/fish/egg.
Todays soboro toppings were, saba fish soboro (pan fried then simmered with diced dried shiitake, eringi mushrooms, carrots and onions) and egg soboro, then topped with strips of snow peas, nori and tomatoes.Miso soup was filled with daikon, carrots, shiitake mushroom stalks, bamboo shoots and sakura prawns.
It was bursting with flavour cos besides the flavourful sakura prawns and miso, i added the water for soaking the mushrooms and the broth from simmering yesterdays bamboo shoots. yummy!
Natto tofu with korean style picked shiso leaves (that i made today with garlic shoyu, vinegar and korean chilli flakes. Since only a few hours have passed it is not that pickled yet)
This is one dish that not everyone will like.
First, there is natto, then there is shiso leaves. But i simply love this korean style cold tofu dish.

Egg yolk burried in miso
This was made yesterday by burrying the fresh egg yolk in a sweet miso paste mixed with sake and mirin. Goes well with rice.
I enjoyed making this cos the yolk has a lovely yummilicious looking golden orange sheen. but i just dont take raw egg yolks.
REALLY am enjoying the great abundance of spring vegetables. Almost all our vegetable are from the local vegetable seller which sells only freshly plucked vegetables from the nearby farms. And i must say, they taste different. and LOOK different =)

Am loving the spring air~

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