Saturday, July 3, 2010

saturday sleep in

This morning i had my sleep chapter number 2 just like last weekend. crawling back into the futon after drawing the curtains to let the morning sun in and hanging out the laundry.
ahh........ that felt sooooooooooooo good and boy did i really need that. the day was just easier to pass with a lighter head. =)

Lunch today was stamina soba
stamina giving sticky black bean natto and okra
topped with my favourite stamina giving poached egg

Dinner was japanese style western
fish cutlets with shoyu mayonnaise
steamed potatoes
japanese coleslaw
multi vegetable consomme soup

katsuo fish cutlet
which we really like.
for the first time we are using katsuo in this manner.
Usually we have it as sashimi or tataki, which means simply seared on its sides so that it is half raw.
It's got a texture and taste very similar to tuna, so this fish cutlet was like tuna steak.
we had it with shoyu mayo, and some cranberry sauce.
coleslaw with crabmeat
this was light without the mayo
and simply steamed with garlic baby potatoes,
which we enjoyed with lots of cranberry sauce. yum!

hmm... i wonder if sleep chapter 3 would have been possible.

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