Thursday, July 8, 2010

My new star system

Breastfeeding is not tough but yet it is so tiring.
Well, night feeds are of course tough because my head is heavy. But day feeds are sometimes tough too cos i have so many things on my to-do list, and feeding takes time at the breast compared to the bottle. So sometimes i get pretty stressed when i know feeding time is nearing.
But when he latches on, i feel at ease cos i know he is comforted by it. So to prevent me from giving up too soon, i have decided to encourage myself by counting the number of days i have been breastfeeding! Like how i used to receive star stickers in school, this is my star system now on the blog. Let's see how long i can hang on.

Today i saw this at the farmers' mart and though i know it is crazy to lug this big branch home with a baby in the sling, it was irresistable.
Fresh edamame with the branches plus leaves too!!!
Yeah, i don't know why but i go gah gah when i see vegetable plants.

Dinner tonight was

Inari sushi
soba version, daikon leaves version, and plain sushi rice version
Pumpkin and corn salt simmer
Green peppers and maitake mushrooms stir fry with yuzupeppers

These green peppers are called shishito and are a slimmer version of the green capsicum. They look like green chillies with plenty of seeds in there too, but are not spicy at all, tasting exactly like capsicums. But the skins are so thin, i don't have to stir fry them for long. I guess green chillies, green capsicums and shishito come from the same family.

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