Thursday, July 1, 2010

baby pram search

I am now searching for a baby pram before my shoulders break down.
Taking H to and from the mart is stressing my body quite a bit though i like the feeling of him sleeping close to me. I can't wait to use the pram my sister in law gave us, but it can only be used from 7 months old onwards. it would be november by then! i would be missing out on so many walks and outings just because he is too heavy to carry around for long hours.
my search has seriously started.

Dinner tonight was

Grilled stuffed beancurd skins
filled with dried daikon salad
which is comfort food for me because of how the texture resembles that of turnip so much.
so this simmered dried daikon tastes almost like my favourite mummy's kueh pie tee filling.
corn rice
stir fried kangkong
kangkong is finally out at the farmers' place!!!
i was so excited i wanted to skip home.
freshly plucked edamame beans from the farmers' mart too

ahh... the beauty of summer... the plenty of vegetables!!!

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