Friday, September 11, 2009

ODEN night!

with vegetable sticks & miso dip
i love having my oden with miso dengaku (miso dip), and what i had always bought from the mart, i now make my own.
The usual miso dengaku has a lot of sugar & mirin (sweet wine) in it, so by making our own, the sugar content is controlled.
Simply, per 1 tablespoon of miso, i add 1 tablespoon of grated carrots and some sesame seeds. Sometimes, i add a bit of mirin or sugar, or if not, just some water to dilute.
goes very well with vegetable sticks too, not just oden.

these days, i find it so hard to digest my dinner, i think i should go on a porridge dinner week.
need to search for some porridge recipes.

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