Wednesday, September 23, 2009

mushroom mix stock

Managed to find brown rice bread at the supermart!

Tastes like german wholewheat bread. mmm... love it! had it it salmon & cream cheese for breakfast.

Since i had so much time on hands today, made red bean paste from scratch.
and combined it with sweet potato ice cream (haagan dazs autumn edition).
Sprinkled some bran flakes, dried apricot cubes & a dollop of yogurt for a parfait feel =)
See? i just have to have ice cream whether am home or out.

Dinner was...

Maguro don. Shoyu steeped maguro cubes topped with poached egg & natto, atop hot rice.

Todays fresh maguro was 880yen per piece. =)
good good price & we wanted to have fish for dinner.
Lettuce topped with mixed mushroom mix
Since we have lots of mushrooms in the fridge, made a stock of mushroom mix which goes well with rice, bread or salad. so very handy to have in the fridge.
5 big shitake mushrooms
1 pack shimeji
1 pack enoki
3 tbs shoyu
1tbs mirin (sweet wine)
bonito flakes

Heat the shoyu & mirin (or replace with a tbs of water + 1 level tbs sugar), add mushrooms and toss till the mushroom juices come out. Then add 3 packs of bonito flakes, & switch off fire.

Stewed pumpkin
We had soba in shoyu based broth for lunch today and there was so much extra soup left, so i simply chopped up some pumkin & stewed them in the broth! yum~

back to work tmr@@
but then, hey theres thurs, fri then the weekend will come again! =)

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