Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring time chirashi sushi

The day was sunny and nice but surprisingly chilly.
But since i was in a spring time mood, i decided to make sushi for dinner!

Chirashi sushi
Chirashi mixed basically means mixed sushi, and you can top the sushi rice with anything i like, usually the season's stuff and colours.
Tonjiru (pork miso soup)
packed full of vegetables
konbu salad

konbu is put into the rice cooker when i cook the rice so that the rice tastes good.
When the broth has been extracted, the konbu is nice and soft, so i usually just toss the strips with some bonito flakes and shoyu. =)

Yeah, and we had a whole lot of okara again. whee~
High on satisfying all my cravings=)

1 comment:

mr. pineapple man said...

That chirashi looks so good! I'm so jealous..I wish I could have salmon roe every meal!