Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Kuriyama park

The day was nice hot and sunny!
With a gentle breeze blowing occassionally, taking sakura petals all over the place.
My garden was filled with pink polka dots which really made my day.
of course they fell into the flower pots too
which made me stoop and stare for a long time at how pretty the pink is.
and then i realised, there is quite a lot of mould in the pots of soild.
since it was nice and warm, i just wanted to complete so many things, which made me get down to change all the soil in the pots! whew, it was hard work plucking out the roots, filling the pots with fresh soil, and then cleaning up the place.
but i am so looking forward to yummier herbs and blueberries =)

after all that sweating out in the garden, i craved a stroll outside.
So i headed for...
the old folks home which has a veeeeeeeeeeery pretty garden.
and since i have been wanting to take a closer look at what that candy looking sakura tree is really like, i did it today, and walked in to have a CLOSE view.
they were not just pink and white flowers, but some were fusioned pink & white!
cute eh?
and from far, the pink is so striking they look like candy.

then further down the road at the Kuriyama park
the white sakura flowers were already spotting some green among them
the day was warm, and petals were showering all over, so out came the kids with their buckets and shovels to play at the playground in the park.
I really miss these sand filled playgrounds cos every playground in Singapore seems to have gone through major revamp to reveal all-rubber matting floors and super modern plastic kinds of play furniture.
I am glad most of the playgrounds here are still old-fashioned!
though mum would probably frown at the thought of ants in the sand in hot Singapore.hehe

Dinner tonight was

shabu shabu whey pork on ramen noodles,
dipped in clear salt based soup before slurping
salt grilled shiitake mushrooms, and sweet chestnuts

Whenever we have really yummy ingredients on hand, our favourite style is always salt based.
So with a batch of yummy whey porl slices, shabu shabu is the simplest yet tastiest.
and with juicy fresh shiitake mushrooms, grilled simply with salt, is really the best way to enjoy!

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