Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What do you do when it is sooooooooooooo hot yet u have so many things to do in the kitchen, plus there is the steam spouting from the pots on the stove, the oven running, and the rice cooker prouducing a mini stream of steam?
Fix a fan and hook the base around the dish rack
and voila! you reduce the amount of salt solution dripping from your face =P

Edamame & sakura prawns takikomi rice
Takikomi basically means putting together various ingredients in the rice cooker so you get all the fragrance from everything in there.
Noodle pumpkin topped with chicken and sesame cream sauce

I got this idea from the Rachael Ray show where Rachael made Spaghetti squash.
With bolognese topped on baked squash, i did it the washi way, with a very typical noodle cream sauce. And the squash was steamed for 50min instead of baking with oil.

J is on his quest to shed some weight, so as much as possible, steamed foods for us =)

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