Saturday, August 29, 2009

Grandma & Mum used to make fried birds nest for the Chinese New Year every year. They were actually meat stuffed beancurd skins, but since the skins were overturned, such that the fuzzy surface faces the outside and gets deep fried, the beatballs looks like mini birds nest.
I bought beancurd skins today, stuffed them with minced chicken, chopped onions and negi (large spring onions) miso, and grilled them in the oven.

The taste reminded me sooooooo much of those little fried birds nests, except this was a much jumbo version.
Thumbs up from J!
Like with all all meat dishes, we had stewed carrots aside the beancurd pouches.
Havent had pickles for a long time
this really helps us finish our rice quickly
Broccolli mentaiko (spiced fish roe) creamy potato salad
Each time i pass the gourmet salad stall at the supermart, the mayo type always attracts me.
I just love creamy, cheesey salads, but choosing these every time would mean rising figures on the weighing scale. Well, not only that, but it is also harder to digest, especially on a hot day.
So , these days, i am into adding yoghurt into the mayo mixture.
With lesser mayo, and the tinge of yoghurt taste makes the whole salad a whole lot lighter.
And, another trick i learnt from tv, is rubbing a crushed piece of garlic all around the salad bowl before tossing the salad, gives the salad a nice boost of flavour!

Typhoon is approaching, which means, rain for quite a few days.
sad news for my laundry.

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