Tuesday, May 4, 2010

pasta my style!

Over the last 3 weeks, lunch menu was udon/soba/udon/udon/udon/soba, and the heat up in the microwave type. so i just made sauce to pour over.

Yesterday, i felt, OK i am GENKI GENKI, so i wanted boil some pasta.

sesame oil ginger fish and spinach fettuccine, topped with poached egg
voila~ pasta in confinement food fashion

And dinner was something we both like!
mabo tofu!

Mabo tofu with snow peas
with ground up leek and ginger and no garlic in the sauce, this was a mild version from the otherwise spicy and strong tasting dish.
i think this is a nice change, and in fact we now think we prefer this!
More black bean soup
konbu salad

These days i stop being so hero like and make everything from scratch, so small dishes like this konbu salad are store bought.
tasty, but as usual, very japanese style to have it sweet too, which both of us don't really fancy.
ah well, we just have to shut and eye now and when i feel i have lots of time on hands again, the everything from scratch dishes dinner will start again.

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