Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Children's day

It is children's day today!
We got a koinobori to put up.
These carp sets are flown above the roofs of houses with sons in the hope that they will grow up healthy and strong, with the biggest koinobori for the father, next biggest for the eldest son, and ranging down to the smallest carp for the youngest son.

Here, Children's day is a day we hang up our hopes for sons while the Doll's festival day Hinamatsuri in March is the day for girls.

I finally got to eat Samgaetang yesterday!
With red dates and chestnuts and the yummy glutinuous rice in there too!
This was on my to eat list before i delivered. My daily morning cooking show showed how simple it was to prepare this and since it is my all time favourite whenever i go to a korean restaurant, i just had to give it a try.
the ingredients were all stocked up at home, and thank goodness i decided to freeze those drumsticks.
Since i won't be able to go to my regular korean restaurant for quite some time, this is so gonna make my day whenever i crave this energy boosting dish.
I wanna cook this AGAIN!!!
broccolli namul
Am so thankful for these korean chilli flakes.
Fragrant and not spicy at all, so i usually put in a lot when i make korean salads.

Made another salad to go along too,
but this was japanese. thick hijiki salad:
Lunch was a fishy business

Soba with maguro burger and ginger simmered sardines
and yep, topped with an egg

i love those shoyu simmered sardines but they are so sweet and salty on their own, so J suggested we have them in soba. it was good! so we get our fish dose during a soba lunch too!

Today is officially the first day of summer, but since the springlike winds are still blowing, it is still enjoyable to take a walk out under the sun.
The forecasts say this year's summer will be extra wet (many rainy days) and hot. ooh boy i really wonder what mid august will bring us this year.

Happy children's day~!

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