We had tofu for breakfast again today! =)
Mini tofu steaks with natto & nira kimchi
%%SOy bean power%%
Its been reaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelly hot today.................................
Lunch is difficult, i feel i can just do with cola.
But after cola, i will probably need chips or pretzels for more energy.
Hmm, ok maybe i should just do with a nice cold bowl of soba...
or so i thought, but found the noodle cabinet with lots of pasta, but no soba.
Ok, i think i can do without lunch.
But this makes me really listless.
Then i decided, ok, i will have some chilled vegetable salad that is really appetising, that can help me wolf down some rice...
So i opened the fridge and took out what i think can help me tide over the summer heat.
Firstly, moloheya, a sticky vegetable that is going to help take away some tiredness,
then i saw the lot of myoga (a kind of ginger but with a slight floral flavour),that i bought from someones garden the other day, and the appetite inducing ume (sour plum).
Combined the 3 of them, chilled it a bit, and poured some ponzu over...
Goes well with rice!
Today at the farmers mart, what i thought was tomatoes...
were eggplants!!!
After picking up the pack and taking a good look, the skins look different from tomatoes and are much heavier! Then i spotted the board next to this basket explaining what this is.
Grilled them together with yellow peppers with salt and garlic.
Tastes like eggplants, but with the much denser flesh, remains very juicy even after grilling.
Fuwa fuwa mountain yam chicken burgers
Fuwa fuwa is usually used to describe grated mountain yam which gives a meringue like effect when added to any dish. And because it gives volume to the meat patty, less meat is needed.
Fuwa fuwa chicken burger
ground chicken 230g
grated mountain yam 80g
chopped onions 50g
1/2 a beaten egg
1/2 a teaspoon brown sugar
2 tablespoons breadcrumbs
1 tsp salt
Miso paste
1 tablespoon miso
1 tbs mirin (or brown sugar)
1tsp sake (or any white wine)
Combine everything together, and pan fry or grill.
I grilled them this time, and for the last 3 minutes, brushed some miso paste on the patties.
And, some cool sunomono (vinegared dish) which i crave everytime i have burgers.
Just like how pickles go with burgers isnt it?
Wakame and sliced kamaboko (fish cakes) topped with grated cucumber
drizzled with shoyu & sushi vinegar mix
It is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooooooooooo hot, for the first time we switched on the cooler the whole evening.
i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed the wind..............................
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