Friday, October 23, 2009


We had pizza & cocktail today!~

dried eggplant & ham with home made tomato sauce
I did this last week when the sun was strong and there were still eggplants at the mart.
dried for 2 days under strong sun with good wind. this is really useful cos it stocks well in the fridge. and just lightly pan frying with garlic and tomato sauce will suffice. sundrying made it sweeter and shortens the cooking time which keeps the really crunch in the eggplant slices.
Seafood genovese
I made this genovese sauce when my basil plant was spoting an afro look.
i really didnt expect the leaves to sprout so fast during summer!
so each time i harvest these leaves, i make basil sauce and freeze them in small batches for pasta or pizza.
Goes well with boiled potatoes too =)

genovese (basil sauce)
basil 50g
olive oil 50ml
hazelnuts/pine nuts 50g
1 garlic clove

wash and dry leaves, put everything in food blender.
the sauce calls for parmegiano cheese but do not add this if freezing.
add the cheese only when you are ready to use the sauce.

my basil plant seems to have retired for the year.
i still have some stock in the freezer, but i dont think this will last till next summer.
till next summer, i m looking forward to your afro look again mr. basil!

daikon salad with crispy anchovies topping

Autumn coffee roll cake
made coffee custard to replace the cream in the standard roll cake.
lessens my guilt for craving roll cake so often =P
i read in this dessert book that replacing the cream in roll cake with custard actually halves the calories! yay! =)

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