Tuesday, October 27, 2009

chap chye

The german multi layer cake baumkuchen is boom in Japan these days.
Funny thing is i never tried baumkuchen when i was in Frankfurt, first time i tasted this was when i came here. I love it! its like really plain layered butter cake, not as oily as kueh lapis, and very fluffy though dense.
Was at a food fair by Jucheim, and got this little treat for the both of us.

This morning, i opened the cabinet, spotted my pack of dried mangoes, and decided i will open the pack today.
Yeah, some days those packs of dried fruit (i have plenty at home now) just sit there, but some days they call out to me =P
made a batch of biscottis with them

dried mangoes, dark chocolate and walnuts
i enjoy the plain almond biscottis i always stock up when i visit supermarts in Europe, but when i bake them, i love my biscottis gorgeously dressed.

This was dinner tonight, inspired to cook chap chye after walking past the hainan jeefan restaurant at Ebisu.

there was chapchye, potatoes & carrots curry, & a fillet of sauteed saba topped on brown rice

I dont know why but whenever we have one plate dinners, J likes to look at his plate this way, so the rice is on the top.
But is seems a lot of people here have the same style when they have curry rice.

chap chye was just not the same made by me though the ingredients were the same.
i even sun dried my own enoki!

but mums chap chye is still rules.

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