Weeks have passed since the earthquake.
We watch on TV features on how the people left homeless are being sheltered, cared for and fed for by aid teams working hard and with compassion, and start to wonder why aren't these documentaries played alongside with radiation news in the rest of the world. "Fly-jin", a new term coined to call the foreigners who have scurried home for fears this will be another Chernobyl, i really hope would spread the message on the urgency for donations in their homeland instead of fascinating over how they escaped whatever imaginary danger they came out from.
My heart is still heavy with worry and sadness though life in Tokyo is really back to normal.
Simple everyday routines have been totally disturbed for people living at public shelters now, and this means a lot of stress for a lot of people. Some elderly, as we see on TV, have literally passed on because they are not used to the new environment. Children, wanting to play outside, run back indoors because the snow and chill discourages.
Well, pieces are being picked up bit by bit, and the Japanese are being very united and supportive, which helps spur the sheltered folks, I can only pray for more help to pour in, and that the people find strength to press on to rebuild their lives.
OK, let's put my sad heart aside for awhile.
I wanted to try making yam rice with bak kwa because the one i made at mum's place was so yummy i wanted the hubby to try!
1 large yam cut into bite sized pieces
3 pieces shiitake mushrooms sliced
1 slice bak kwa, cut into 0.5cm squares
2 tbs dried prawns
1 tsb japanese stock granules
3 tbs shoyu
1 tbs mirin
1 tbs sake
and just press switch on! on the rice cooker.
I never thought bak kwa would make such good takikomi gohan (mixed rice).
And after a long hiatus,
with colourful chocolate puffs churned in
Ooooh how i missed pumpkin!
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