So it snowed and snowed all morning...
brrrrrrrgh was it freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing!!!
As i waited for the snow to stop before i hopped to the supermart in my rainy day boots, i decided to bake a new batch of comfort muffins...
Used less sugar and added some homemade fig jam into this batch, hmm... gives a nice wholemeal muffin kind of look to the muffins. the texture of the fruit bits was nice too!
Dinner tonight had to be oden.
This was last nights dinner...
Meanwhile, J bentos have been quite extravagant these 2 days...
Traditional Pork katsu, melting eggs cooked till the yolks are half runny and steeped in a soya sauce and sesame oil dressing for a few days), mini salad, and red wine and almond rice